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Where I came from & Where I'm going


      When thinking of myself, I think of someone who is driven to have a successful life. Hi, my name is Jenna and I am excited to be a first time blogger. I am a 20-year-old college student pursuing a bachelors degree in Marketing and a masters degree in Business Administration. I come from a family of four that consists of my mom, dad, and younger sister. I was born and raised in northern Illinois. Growing up I had a passion of competitive cheerleading, and that was all my life consisted of. I would eat, sleep, breathe cheerleading and everything about it. I went from being passionate about my cheerleading, to being passionate about having a successful future. College was never a question in my eyes. My parents always told me that I was going to college, so that was always my plan.
      When I started my college experience I started at the University of Missouri (Mizzou). At Mizzou I was able to experience what college was all about, and even join a sorority. I joined the Gamma Phi Beta chapter, and it was everything I wanted and more. After being at Mizzou for a semester I then went on to Western Kentucky University and finally Columbia College of Missouri. I have a set major now, and I am ready to finish college and have a great life.


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