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Inspirational Blogs for a New Blogger

      Happy Sunday readers! What a perfect day to sit outside in the sun, and write a blog post. Today I am going to talk about blog posts that have been helpful to me as a new blogger. I think it's important for bloggers to read other blogs because that is the best way to learn how to become a better writer. I enjoy finding new blogs to read because it is more inspiration to me as a writer. The five blog posts I chose were Self DiscoveryThe CreatorBreaking to a New LightNow Living, and Food-Travel-Fashion.

      Each of these blogs have something in common. Each of these blogs talks about motivation and being successful. Self Discovery is a blog about refining life, and realizing that you want to live it to the fullest. This blog was an inspiration to me, because in my life I am pushing myself as hard as I can to achieve my goals. At sometime in this last year of my life, I have changed my attitude and I strive to be my best self. This blog allows me to connect with others who feel like they're in the same stop in life that I am.

      The second blog I chose was The Creator. This blog is about new creative ideas that the writing is going to pursue. In my life, and in my writing I think I could benefit from creativity. I am hoping to be inspired by the writers posts new posts, and see what new creativity I can bring into my life.

      The third blog post I picked was Breaking to a New Light. I enjoy how this post talks about struggles that the writer has gone through, and how they have overcome those struggles. Struggles are things everyone goes through, but not every writer is comfortable writing about those struggles. I want to be more like this writer, and be able to open up more about the hard times life has thrown at me.

      The fourth blog I read was Now Living. I chose this blog because the writer puts out the same message to her readers that I would like to give out. I strive to inspire people to be happy, healthy, and to live their best life. These are all messages that this blog goes over, and I love that I can connect to it.

      Finally, the fifth and final blog I chose was Food-Travel-Fashion. This blog allows for an all access guide into the three things we all love in life. Food, Travel, and Fashion are three things that people enjoy in life. Each of these things brings joy and happiness in ones life, and those are the kinds of feelings I want to give to my readers.

      Overall, I think each of these blogs can bring something positive to my writing and to my life in general. I am going to continue to read other blogs, and I can improve mine.


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