I have recently been trying to convert my social media pages to professional ones. I started with my LinkedIn profile. This profile was easy to make professional because I hadn't started it yet. To build my profile, I started filling in my professional information. I started with putting in where I attend college, and the major I am pursuing. Doing this allows me to connect with others who went to my school, or those who are in the same major as me. Then, I stated my professional skills and wrote a bio of myself. Professional people will benefit from LinkedIn because it will allow them to build their network and find jobs.
The next thing I did to be more professional was change the mood of my Twitter account. I used to only use my Twitter account for personal use, but now I want to use it to inspire and motivate people. Now I use Twitter to write and share inspirational words. A lot of people use Twitter for negative thoughts, but I honestly think that only makes people feel worse, not better. If I can inspire just one person a day, then I will be happy. I am motivated to covert my other social media accounts to professional accounts. It is important to me to learn how to brand my social media accounts, and learn how to use them better in my marketing career.
The next thing I did to be more professional was change the mood of my Twitter account. I used to only use my Twitter account for personal use, but now I want to use it to inspire and motivate people. Now I use Twitter to write and share inspirational words. A lot of people use Twitter for negative thoughts, but I honestly think that only makes people feel worse, not better. If I can inspire just one person a day, then I will be happy. I am motivated to covert my other social media accounts to professional accounts. It is important to me to learn how to brand my social media accounts, and learn how to use them better in my marketing career.

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