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Farewell to my Favorite Class

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This week is a bittersweet week for me. It is the last week of my social media class, and this class has taught me a lot about things that I thought I already knew. I figured that I was going to be an expert in social media since I use it everyday, but I was wrong about that. My favorite part of this class was starting a blog. I had never thought about blogging before, until I was forced to create an account and start writing for my social media class. I was never a huge fan of writing, so I figured I would hate it. I actually love it, it turns out that there is something exciting about writing things you're passionate about. If this class didn't force me to start a blog, then I do not think I would have ever started one. This blog is going to be something I continue after this class is over, and I am excited to see where it takes me.
      Another important thing that this class taught me was how to use social media for professional use, and not only personal use. I find this information very helpful, and it will help me when I get into my career. I started a podcast, made a YouTube video, and a LinkedIn account for this class. These were all things I had not done before. This class has allowed me to learned that it is okay to try new things, and that you might end up loving it. If there are any Business or Marketing majors reading this, I advise that you take a social media class because it will change your life.

Speaking of Social Media, follow me on my accounts! Thanks guys <3
Twitter & Instagram- jennanikole


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