As a full time college student, I know that it is hard to get motivated. Doing homework, showing up for class, or even studying for an exam may be difficult for most students to do. Because we are in our twenties it's hard not to want to focus more on our social life, than our classes. A frat party sounds like a better time than pulling an all-nighter the night before an exam.
I am not going to sit here and tell you getting motivated is easy, because it's not. College is one of the hardest things you will go through in life, and we all have times that make us want to give up or dropout. Although we may say that we want to dropout, we know it's just not an option... for me at least. I know that getting through college and having my bachelor's degree, will be one of the most rewarding moments in my life. A college degree opens up so many opportunities in the professional field, that some people don't have the option of having.
College is not for everyone and I know that, but for some it's our dream to walk across that stage on graduation day. Just remember that every homework assignment, or exam is one step closer to being done with school. That all-nighter sucks in the moment, but when you get a good grade on your exam it is worth it. We will go on to working in our dream career field, or go onto graduate school because we pushed through our undergrad years no matter how hard it was.
It is okay to miss that big party to study, and it shouldn't matter what your friends think about it. Putting yourself first, is something a lot of people struggle with. College is a love/hate relationship, but this crazy journey will be worth it in the end. A lot of us don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I promise it's there. Don't let a bump in the road stop you from finishing college, because your future self with thank you. Work hard and do big things, because the only one stopping you is yourself.
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